Recent News

We won the Silver Mission Award for National SWE 2023-2024!

We won the Best Practice in Mentoring Mission Award for National SWE 2023-2024!

We won the Silver Mission Award for National SWE 2022-2023!

We won the Gold Mission Award for National SWE 2021-2022!

We won the Best Practice in Outreach Mission Award for National SWE 2021-2022!

We won the Best Practice in Mentorship Mission Award for National SWE 2021-2022!

The SWE Mission:

Stimulate women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life, and demonstrate the value of diversity.
Support: Meet fellow classmates in Engineering!
Networking: Meet employers through programs and events!
Outreach: Give back to the community! 
Mentorship: Become apart of the SWEeties Mentoring Program!
Connections: Meet some of the faculty outside of class!​
Leadership Opportunities: Become a committee head or an officer!
Professional Development: Acquire the skills needed to thrive after college!
Financial Aid: Access to Exclusive Scholarships
Resources: Receive the SWE Magazine, along with access to the career center, webinars, online community, & more!

If you would like to support UTK SWE, follow the information on the flyer!

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